I was able to come back and make plays and I so happy we won

Speaking to The Hindu the mother of the boy, who requested that all their names be withheld, said that the child injury occurred on February 6 this year, when he was playfully trying to climb upon his father back and may have slipped off and landed hard. The District Attorney’s Office in Oregon had not yet replied to a request for comment on the issue.When she mentioned that her husband may have him, the child was rushed to Randall Children’s Hospital at Legacy Emanuel in Portland, which has a specialist Child Abuse Assessment Team on call. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) arrived on the scene and later that night a police officer too, who asked the child mother to sign a number of papers, some of which she said she could not understand.The woman was then informed that her husband, who works with a major tech firm here, would no longer be allowed to enter their home or have contact with the children, as he posed a risk to their safety.An HHS worker called Gina then began regularly visiting the mother and her children, while the husband had to stay in the home of colleagues and friends, and she grilled the mother on how they disciplined their children, whether the husband used to beat them and so forth.The woman said that she had in all honesty told Gina that they followed a strict parenting style that many Indian couples do, and occasionally her husband would spank the children and sometimes they would have outs in their well lit, clean garage.The HHS worker appeared to take close note of this and also asked the mother it was true that, as her husband allegedly admitted, he fists and banged his head against the wall in a rage.

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