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It turned out that the recipe developed by Dr. Auge, father of five children, during 20 years of baking beans for family gatherings, resembles the century old recipe used at Durgin Park.The variety of baked beans entered in the contest would have dumbfounded a Cabot or a Lodge or most any native of the “land of the bean and the cod.”Black beans were cooked Jamaican style, lima beans with ham, and beans baked in maple syrup, Vermont style. But Boston style beans, with variations so slight that one voter called them “nuances,” took the three top spots.

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Umnak Island is part of the Fox Islands in the Aleutian chain, one step farther west than Unalaska. I’d flown to its southwestern end from Dutch Harbor with my husband, kids and mother putting our expedition age range from 4 to 61. The plan was to paddle and hike our way back to Dutch on a meandering 300 mile path..

It also provides conditional cash transfers (financial rewards) for pregnant women upon meeting defined compliance targets.1 Details about the initiative and its implementation design are presented in Box 1.Box 1. Malawi’s Results Based Financing for Maternal and Neonatal Health Initiative: implementation designThe Results Based Financing for Maternal and Neonatal Health Initiative was introduced in Malawi in April 2013 to improve the quality of facility based care provided to women and newborns during and within 48 hours after delivery. replica bags The initiative was implemented in selected emergency obstetric care facilities across four districts (Balaka, Dedza, Mchinji and Ntcheu).

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