Indiana is just one of many states with entrenched problems of racism in its correctional institutions. In Texas and Florida, supermax cells are filled to capacity with white supremacist leaders and their black and Latino counterparts. Klan recruitment among correctional staff has been alleged in New Jersey, while some white staff members of a California prison are being prosecuted for staging deadly gladiator fights between inmates of different color..
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The story so far: Bob Shaw marries Jacqueline in 1977 and they go on a honeymoon in Hawaii. Jacqueline has known tragedy in her life. When she was 17 her mother died of cancer.
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On Christmas Day, I cooked the whole turkey in my traditional manner and the turkey breast as per Maguire instructions. My family devoured the moist, tender buttermilk brined turkey breast and ignored the traditional turkey. This simple recipe isadapted from Nevin Maguire, an Irish celebrity chef who says it’s the most popular dishhe ever made on his TV show..
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