(Usually there never is a resolution to the question of ‘the best’ anything, merely a range of choices according to one’s own tastes and timing.) I must admit that in the past I have contributed to the dispute by throwing my hat in the ring for Vito’s Pizza on LaCienega, which offers up a large, thin crusted pie with ‘made fresh daily’ toppings and a huge grin from Vito. I am not abandoning my New Jersey born buddy, and his location is convenient to my Beverly Hills residence, but I must admit that now a new contender has entered the ring. Has it ever!.
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Happy Presidents’ Day! Currently, it is a brisk 16 degrees with light snow flurries falling in the high country of the San Gabriel Mountains National Monument. There is approximately 1 inch of snow on the ground with more snow forecast for tonight. Mountain roads that could be affected by weather conditions include Interstate 5 near the Grapevine and the Antelope Valley (14) Freeway through Soledad Canyon, and Highway 2, the National Weather Service warned.