The neurologist is often required to evaluate the unconscious patient from both the diagnostic and prognostic perspective. Knowledge of the anatomical basis of coma is essential for competent evaluation but must be combined with an understanding of the many, often multi factorial, medical conditions that result in impaired consciousness.
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These are dependant moncler sale upon separate physiological and anatomical systems. Coma is caused by disordered arousal rather than impairment of the content of consciousness, this being the sum of cognitive and affective mental function, dependent on an intact cerebral cortex. The absence of all content of consciousness is the basis for the vegetative state.
moncler jacket sale Arousal depends on an intact ascending reticular activating system and connections with diencephalic structures. Like awareness, arousal is not an all or nothing concept and gradations in awareness have been described in the past as inattentiveness, stupor, and obtundation. Such terms lack precision and coma can be more objectively assessed using measures such as the Glasgow coma scale (GCS) (table 1). This analyses three markers of consciousness moncler outlet sale eye opening, and motor and verbal responses bringing a degree of accuracy to evaluation. moncler jacket sale
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cheap moncler jackets The GCS arbitrarily defines coma as a failure to open eyes in response to verbal command (E2), perform no better than weak flexion (M4), and utter only unrecognisable sounds in response to pain (V2). The GCS cheap moncler coats is of no diagnostic value, but is a reliable way of objectively monitoring the clinical course of the patient moncler outlet store with an acute cranial insult without elucidating cause. cheap moncler jackets
moncler sale outlet Clinicopathological correlation and neurophysiological experimentation has shown that coma is caused by diffuse bilateral hemisphere damage, failure of the ascending reticular activating system, or both. The reticular activating system is a core of grey matter continuous caudally with the reticular intermediate grey lamina of the spinal cord and rostrally with monlcer down jackets the subthalamus, hypothalamus, and thalamic nuclei. It runs in the dorsal part of the brain stem in the paramedian tegmental zone. moncler sale outlet
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Coma without focal signs with meningism. This results from subarachnoid haemorrhage, meningitis, and meningoencephalitis.
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