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San Francisco is reportedly competing with cities like Toronto and Vancouver to be the first RMB hub in North America. America’s traditional financial capital of New York has yet to throw its hat in the ring. Representatives from San Francisco Mayor Ed Lee’s office did not respond to a request for comment, but the gears appear to be turning behind the scenes; Bloomberg reported last fall on meetings between Lee and representatives from the Bank of China, a group that has taken the lead on past offshore RMB projects..
Groups of dancers magically filter on and off stage through the smoky, atmospheric lighting, rather than making clear entrances and exits from the wings. When McGregor’s dancers race toward one other, as they often do, what happens on impact is not a canonic lift or embrace but a workmanlike fitting together of body parts, tinkering, problem solving. And in the many duos, one dancer will hold a pose while the other executes a dynamic variation that moves in and out of the same pose.