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Santa Barbara has plenty of beaches, but East Beach is known for its volleyball action and all around scene. It has a built in snack stop, the East Beach Grill (118 E. Cabrillo Blvd., Santa Barbara). With these assumptions, she would live for free, Moran concludes. Even if mortgage interest were to double, which is unlikely in the next few years, ownership would be cheaper than continuing to rent.Where to get the down payment is problematic. Her assets are $285,000 in her cottage, $1,083,265 in RRSPs, and $60,000 in a Tax Free Savings Account.
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Having brought back Colonel Sanders to KFC’s marketing in 2015, Wieden Kennedy in 2017 took the campaign even further. Efforts included featuring the Colonel as a Fabio like hero of a steamy romance novella for Mother’s Day as well as making him a playable character in a WWE video game. Meanwhile a creepy version of the Colonel appeared in a VR Escape Room challenge for staff training to fry chicken.
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