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steroid George Mitchell for Major League Baseball identified several current and former players who allegedly received performance enhancing substances from Applied Pharmacy.Bordenkircher said he did not want to name the athletes involved because prosecutors did not pursue the case to grab sensational headlines. “It to get to the core of the problem,” he said.Jason Kelley steroid, one of the pharmacy owners steroid, referred calls to attorney Arthur Madden, who could not be reached for comment Thursday.Corliss, 52, maintains a family and sports medicine practice in Greeley, Colo. Even though he never set foot in Alabama, Mobile federal court has jurisdiction because Applied Pharmacy allegedly distributed the drugs from Mobile.In an eight page document filed Thursday, Corliss stated that he was recruited in March or April 2005 by Brett Branch, a one time Applied Pharmacy sales representative who also owned a company called Infinite Health in Eaton, Colo. steroid
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