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US disarmament ambassador Robert Wood said that North Korea had defied the international community once again with its test. “We look forward to working with our partners in the (Security) Council with regard to a new resolution that will put some of the strongest sanctions possible on the DPRK,” he told the conference. “Advances in the regime nuclear and missile programame are a threat to us all.

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Dan Eisenstein is a nice enough man outside of court but should not be on the bench. The real story is not the unlicensed psychologist but the way Eisenstein conducts himself while in court. Those who must appear before him cringe at his frequent blow ups and officers waiting to have their cases disposed of snicker at his juvenile punishments for offenders including making them recite essays on the Mexican drug cartels if caught with a bit of weed.

Small town charm meets Olympic glory on the Tour of Alberta’s most challenging stage. Rolling south out of the quiet streets of the Town of Black Diamond the plains hide what this stage is all about altitude. This won’t be a secret for long though as the race begins the endless climb up Highway 40 to the Highwood Pass.

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A math teacher at Capital, he drilled a towering kick that sailed just two feet wide to the left. The ball was just five feet from the top of the upright as it flew past, meaning the kick would have been good from 60 yards had it been straight. 84/285Full extent of chromium plume remains unknownCity challenges state’s Total Wine decisionMeow Wolf expands into entertainment realmSanta Fe school board sells vacant Alvord Elementary for $2.55 millionBank employee kills himself in Rio Rancho standoffMan sues Walgreens over wrong prescription; says drug made him attempt suicideAnxious for growth on Airport RoadAdvisory panel backs opioid use disorder as qualifying condition for medical cannabisCity owed over $100K for event expenses.

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